Hurricane Matthew

In light of the present reality of Hurricane Matthew and the uncertainty of the east coast of Florida, FPSM wanted to update everyone on where the property stands in Milot and the ministry team in Haiti. By the grace of God, the areas of Cap Haitian and Milot were not significantly impacted by Hurricane Matthew. Light to mild rains consistently made landfall on Tuesday, however the homes of our loved ones and the community of Milot sustained no damage. While I thank God for this, my heart goes out to the thousands in Les Cayes (located in Southwest Haiti) who have lost their homes, their vegetation, and possibly a loved one.

As of today, 108 Haitians have lost their lives as a result of Hurricane Matthew. In the midst of this tragic situation, the thing that has humbled me the most took place when I called Vero on Tuesday morning. She asked me, “What time is it coming, Shan?” The lack of technology and available electricity as well as poor governmental care is simply dumbfounding and devastating. Additionally, Hurricane Matthew has postponed the presidential election in Haiti once again. This means that the people of Haiti have been waiting for almost 10 months for the election of a new leader, which is devastating news because it prolongs any forward movement within the country.


I do not know what is ahead for the United States, but I am grateful for the ability to know and prepare for what lies ahead. My prayers are with all of you this day – that God’s character is a bigger reality to you than the circumstances at hand and that His grace and glory are made known to you. My prayers continue to go out to the Haitians for their continued resiliency, for the perseverance to make sense of suffering, and for the Holy Spirit to make God known. Please join me in praying.