FPSM Ministry Highlight: Marcot Vernois
Marcot Vernois was born August 25th, 1961 in Miragoane, Haïti. He is married to his wonderful wife Gina and their marriage is filled with laughter, trust, and respect. Marcot and Gina have three beautiful children: Caleb and Debra (who are both in 8th grade), and Campbell (who is in 4th grade). Marcot moved to Cap-Haitian when he was a young adult. He studied theology while living there. Additionally, Marcot has earned certificates in English, agriculture, science, and accounting. Alongside Vero, Marcot is responsible for essentially running FPSM in Haiti. He oversees all of the construction that occurs within the Foundation as well as the daily operations of the ministry. Marcot is a true sport when it comes to being the only male among a 5-person ministry team. Additionally, Marcot is on staff with another non-profit organization called Help for Haiti, which looks to feed and educate children.
Marcot’s Favorites:
* Favorite Song: T’aimer, ô Sauveur charitable, (I Love You, Oh Charitable Savior)
* Favorite Food: Shrimp
* Favorite City: Cabarre, Haiti
* Favorite Sport: Soccer
Ways to pray for Marcot:
* Wisdom as he leads the FPSM ministry team in Haiti
* That his children would grow in their faith and love for Jesus Christ
* Safety as he navigates the corrupt systems of Haiti
* Encouragement and hope despite any difficulties that surround him